Probiotic water treatment

Biocides and biodispersants are the classical approach to solve microbiologically induced problems in the paper industry, mostly caused by biofilms and their effects such as bad odours and acidification.
In recent years, the approach of biological cleaning with probiotic bacteria has become a promising alternative to the chemical, antimicrobial treatment of industrial water circuits in the paper industry, including the peripheral water circuits of cooling equipment, air scrubbers and wastewater treatment plants. The focus is on environmental considerations, sustainability, user-friendly functionality and work safety.

In past few years, Wöllner has succeeded in establishing and successfully operating applications with its Waropure® products in all areas of paper production, from hygiene paper and packaging paper to speciality and printing paper, as well as in other industries.

In addition to improving hygiene in production processes, the probiotic microorganisms in Waropure® showed surprising metabolic properties with regard to catalase formation in our own laboratory tests.
During the same period, the biocide glutaral, which has been used for decades to control catalase, was classified first as SVHC candidate and finally as SVHC substance.

Together with our partner in graphic paper production, Maxauer Papierfabrik GmbH, we were looking for an SVHC-free alternative in order to operate the deinking systems successfully and economically.
For more than 4 years now, the stock preparation has been able to supply biocide-free deinking stock to both paper machines.

The next step was to work together on the biological treatment of the paper machines in order to transfer the good process hygiene achieved in stock preparation to the paper machine. Of particular interest here is the way in which the probiotics spread on the machine.