Mottling APC (Advanced Process Controls) - case Metsä Board Kemi

More and more companies are aiming to increase the autonomy of their mill or plant operations. In an autonomous mill or plant, an autonomous system can monitor its own performance, which brings several benefits, like improved safety and efficiency, lower costs and environmental impact, and reduced need for human intervention. Moving towards autonomous operations and mill-wide optimization helps to improve reliability and to develop operational performance. In both areas, digitalization and the Industrial Internet are key elements. When more information of a predictive nature is available, it is possible to gain better control of the mill’s or plant’s daily work by pre-planning activities and running the process with fewer resources.
Connected, intelligent process technology forms a solid source of data and a foundation for more autonomous operations. It’s not only about automation or controls, but also about maximized asset reliability and less manual field operations. Through connected process technology and automation, analyzers and valves we offer our customers a solid foundation for more autonomous mills and plants.
Advisory applications and Advanced Process Controls (APC) are a step towards autonomous operations and mill wide optimization. APC can take over multiple process areas and machine sections to optimize quality and raw material usage. The benefits of Advance Process Controls (APC) are:

  • Reduced process variations – process variations are minimized improving product quality and/or allowing the process to be operated closer to its optimum operating point
  • Cost savings - less energy and raw materials to deliver target production yield
  • Asset performance prediction - best return on your investments
  • Better operational reliability and flexibility – more stable processes mean less wear on production equipment

This mottling control case example from Metsä Board Kemi is a concrete example on how Advanced Process Controls (APC) can help board and papermakers to optimise multiple process areas and machine sections as a whole. The case describes the background and targets of the case, the steps taken from feasibility analysis to quality parameter models to operator guidance to all the way to the actual implementation, control and optimization.